Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Ice Cream Cone smores

We had our first couple of camp trips since July 4th and the weather has turned cooler which he have fully enjoyed.  This last weekend we went to a new location after some mishaps in the reservations.  We went to Praire Village in Madison, SD.  After the initial shock in the smaller sized camp sites we were pleasently surprised by the nice surroundings.  Friday evening started out with a lovely storm that forced us all to sit in the restroom for over an hour.  This is always enjoyable with children but my husband handled this with a beer in his hand. :-)

On Saturday we enjoyed a real train ride around the camp ground, the kids were able to sit in the caboose, the highlight of their day.  We walked around the village and you can go into all the buildings which are furnished with authentic equipment.  The dentist office has all the old chairs and equipment which looks rather primitive if you ask me.

Saturday night our group did our appetizer/dessert potluck.  One of the ladies brought ice cream cone smores.  This sounds strange but you take a sugar cone and smear peanut butter along the sides.  Then you proceed to fill the cone with mini marshmallows and different flavors of chocolate chips.  Once you have your creation built you then wrap it in tin foil and place over the camp fire.
Once you feel your ice cream smore has melted to just the right point you pull it off the camp fire and unwrap to enjoy it in all its glory.  The kids really enjoyed this and the chocolate was all over my little boys face.

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