Tuesday, May 15, 2012

First camping trip of the summer

This weekend will be our first camping trip for the year.  We are so excited and the trailer is packed and ready to go.  This past weekend my husband installed our Rock Tamers that we received as gifts for Christmas.  The front of our trailer is aluminum and therefore has several rock dents in it from rocks kicking out of the truck tires.  We installed these on the truck this weekend and hoping it solves the issue of the rock dents.  These went on easily and once trimmed they fit really nice and were easy to adjust to the truck.

We are trying a new campground in South Dakota not to far from home, Big Sioux Recreation.  This will be the first time at this camp ground and it is only 20-30 minutes from home.  We will be using our dutch oven and possibly our pie irons on our first trip out.  It is also the free weekend for fishing so I am trying to convince my husband in packing the fishing poles for everyone.  I enjoy fishing and continue to try to convince the rest of my family that it is fun.  Wish me luck!


  1. You might want to try a 3 foot spiderman pole...that's what Adam has and he is always catching the big ones!!! Hope you have fun :)

  2. LOL! The water was moving so fast we didn't end up fishing, but I might go buy a Spiderman pole!
